My Roomate’s Lucky Bamboo & a fly

Jake Brewster
1 min readMay 10, 2021

I was laying on my living room couch with nothing on the mind. Watching him buzz around. He is now to be known as buzz.

Ten seconds pass and buzz, ever so buzzersome, buzingly buzzes over.

Maybe he’s mad I named him buzz.

Who knows.

This is a dumb story.

He flys by again. This time there’s a little more pep in buzz’s… step.

This time it’s personal. I take a swat. I hit buzz. He buzzes off.

he buzzes back after taking a few seconds to rest over on my roommate's lucky bamboo plant.

He buzzes back. What buzz doesn’t know, is that I’m a world-class talent in attempted bug swatting.

A rookie mistake.

Again buzz is bashed by the blunt force of my bare hand.

Buzz the fly is brutalized. Gracious in defeat. He slowly flies back on over to my roommate’s lucky bamboo plant.

What a dumb story.

